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 Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??

In jos 
4 participan?i


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeVin Noi 07, 2008 1:04 am

Citat :
IS THIS TRUE? Unbanned dou huge charge back

by (Hercules)spamv10 on Nov 06, 2008 11:49 pm

I have read in other forums that they have unbanned many account duo the huge chargeback joymax got in the ban of November 4 2008, Is this true? because i see a lot of people saying this.


by (Eos)SroReporter on Nov 06, 2008 11:57 pm

Yes this is true, also this last bot ban was a test, like Eos server is a test server too.
They are try many things.
They banned ppl just to see their answers, just to see what will happen when they will ban all botters.
Eos server is one test server about it.
As they saw they cant ban all botters.
Now they try to make one new client.


by (Rome)Park_Ranger on Nov 07, 2008 00:00 am

l don't see any so called "banned" botters posting on this forum about getting their accounts back.

Only people that are banned, that have'nt got their accounts back.

Another rumour l guess, unless you can provide proof of course.


by (Hercules)spamv10 on Nov 07, 2008 00:06 am

I got no proof, that is why i asked. But still i believe it could be possible , maybe if the forum-mod or morningdew could clarified this , or maybe someone with proofs . It would be nice


by (Uranus)SunRise on Nov 07, 2008 00:07 am

Sroreporter are you totally stupid ? Eos is a testserver ? Test of what ? Stealing money ?
and no... 0 chars got unbanned on eos, our guild Heroes was the best, now totally ruined, most of us left the server, I think even the game. We had great fun before joymax decided to clear us, and I say fuck you joymax made all the bullshit all over the years we sucked about bots, and now fuck to finally delete us, joymax you really have brain and you really know what to do, congratulations.


by (Hercules)spamv10 on Nov 07, 2008 00:15 am

first of all i didn't say "they unbanned all bot", I said many bot and why you have to use use such an offensive language , grow up


by (Hercules)My_lil_nuker on Nov 07, 2008 00:18 am

odd the server is jam packed already hmmm?


Citat :
by (Uranus)SunRise on Nov 07, 2008 00:07 am
Sroreporter are you totally stupid ? Eos is a testserver ? Test of what ? Stealing money ?

No i am not stupid, maybe u are, they care u think about some money? NO they got so much money from u and from all stupid botters, now it is time to clean server, and yes Eos server is a test server, they lef u all to rich on high lvls with bot and now they banned u.

BTW new boss is now in Joymax company, take care.


by (Hercules)spamv10 on Nov 07, 2008 00:40 am

So is it true or not?


by (Alexander)SealofSun on Nov 07, 2008 01:50 am

So is it true or not?

Its not, and I wonder if joymax will ban any serius character in the next week. It would be awsome silkroad can become a "legit game", and the next servers with only legit on, but after this ban servers are same crowded, so all the bannings was useless and was good only pissing off some ppl and forcing them to quit the game.

PS: I dont think joymax can ban all botters even if they take it serius, becouse the gold botting comanies are still living, and there will be allways bots who survives the bannings.


by (Pacific)RisingStar on Nov 07, 2008 02:53 am

Guys, everybody know botting is not allowed.
It was a matter of time so Joymax decided to ban all botters.
Maybe Joymax got addicted to so much $$$ that all stupid people like us pay to be stronger than others. If they didnt got addicted and wanted to make a really good game, yes they will ban all botters.
Have you ever seen a GM in game?
How many bugs you know in this game? (I cant count... so many)
Have you ever contacted Joymax support?
Yeahh... Joymax has a lot to do to make this game better. If they dont fix these so many problems and others, anyone will not play this game without bot.

I have a suggestion for you, Joymax:
The first thing you should do is make this forum a real forum. Start to moderate this forum and hear what your customers say. This way you will know us better and we will know you too. Maybe, if you come to this forum/notice and simply say "we have a new boss and a new way of work. Stop botting now", we can stop botting and play in a fair way. With no conflict and so many people scared saying "what is happening?". Is that a fight between Joymax and customers?
Many people started botting because everybody do the same. I know many people who missed the "old times" of Silkroad Online but now they cant be competitive in game without bot.
You can clean this game in a good way and keep your customers but I must say you had a very bad start. Dont do this again without talking to us, ok? Put GMs in game, talk to people in game and make ban in game if need. Stop making this ban list every week, it is not working. Fix game bugs and give us a real support.

Sorry for my English.


by (Greece)Leegeuk on Nov 07, 2008 03:15 am

On greece Kasamasutra has been unbanned.

No reason. Cool for him. But wondering how he did Very Happy ?


by (Rome)_Nooblet_ on Nov 07, 2008 03:34 am

Citat :
On greece Kasamasutra has been unbanned.

No reason. Cool for him. But wondering how he did Very Happy ?

yup, would be nice know how they did.


SRO bans players if there is no $ invovled

by (Eldorado)AIDZ1 on Nov 07, 2008 03:47 am

Bot was always crawling the servers. Users complained about it all the time. Only time SRO decided to do something was when "Players" decided to even the playing field with bots and other 3rd party programs.

What did this mean for SRO? Less people bought premiums "just to logon." People stopped relying on SRO and created their own gold bots. SRO started losing money, now all of a sudden Joymax is cracking down on players as if they were the one that started this mess.

Whenever Joymax doesnt make money, they get involved. lol obviously


by (Eos)SroReporter on Nov 07, 2008 04:55 am

Citat :
On greece Kasamasutra has been unbanned.

No reason. Cool for him. But wondering how he did Very Happy ?

Αs i said it is true, so.... whos next?


Has to be a false rumor.

by (Zeus)got_milk on Nov 07, 2008 05:20 am

If you know anything about how Joylax handles chargebacks then you would know this rumor can't be true. At least not with the recent massive ban that included a lot of silk buying botters.

Let's say for example some botter had charged $1000 with PayPal over the past couple of months and Joylax bans them. The botter does a charge back to take his $1000 back. Then the botter contacts Joylax and says "if you want that $1000 then unblock my account".

Even if Joylax decided to unblock the account to get that money chargebacks ALWAYS take at least 21 days to clear. There is NO way Joylax would lift that ban until that chargeback was cleared and they got that money.

Since it takes at least 3 weeks to clear a chargeback and the ban was less than 3 weeks ago, I think even some of the idiots that use this forum can figure out that means NO ONE has had their bans undone, at least not yet.

BTW a little note to the charge back banned botters. Joylax can and if they are smart probably will appeal any and all chargebacks. If they can prove you used that silk and got the services you paid for they can force you to still pay for the silk you charged even if you did a charge back. At the very least any silk items you already used they can get the chargeback reversed and still get that money. If you charged it and took it back, and you don't have a better case than Joylax does about the money they can still make you pay it.


its just

by (Eldorado)EatMyCIit on Nov 07, 2008 05:29 am

Son:"Daddy daddy they banned my sro account but i payed alooooot of money for it "
Daddy:" Owh rly? They have to give it back or we go to the lawyer !!!"

JM got scared about loosing money , costumers with a shit load of money, or problems with the law Smile

JM1: what we do now?
JM2: we gonna unblock all paypal users.Or else we lose money.
JM1: what is with E-PIN , Click and buy?
JM2: shit on em they cant charge back Smile
JM1: K dude^^

I know it worked like this CUZ i asked a unblocked Eos player .

This game getting now really retard

I think i gonna charge back my money for unbanning noobs lol

( and in austria we can do that directly from bank account Smile


by (Eos)SroReporter on Nov 07, 2008 05:31 am


another post about it, YES THEY UNBANNED ACCOUNTS

EDIT: another one



by (Babel)Deceneu on Nov 07, 2008 06:37 am

Now think about this

ALL gBOTS COMPANY will charge some silk on their characters....

JoyMax.... WHAT WILL THEY DO ????

After all this what i read here.. they will do nothing.. so.. the result will be that only boters will own this nice game !

Was a nice and funny game, now sux big time


if that true ,,,?????

by (RedSea)Panther_Girl on Nov 07, 2008 06:41 am

if ppl get unbanned ,,,me too want that ,.,,,i dont want recharge my money ...just want fair not more


u r right

Deci, toti care aveau silk pe cont (boteri, fie gBoteri sau doar boteri) au primit unban, plus ca se vehiculeaza cum ca este o noua conducere la JoyMax !!!

Care va sunt parerile voastre?
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 78
Varsta : 37
Localitate : Bucuresti
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeSam Noi 08, 2008 2:45 pm

Nu au cum sa baneze toti boterii indiferent daca au silk pe cont sau nu....ca s-ar elibera serverele...si cred ca si-au dat seama de asta, daca au recurs la debanare.
Asa ca cine are cel putin 50 silk pe cont e in siguranta..apropo, si goldboterii lvl 30,40+ care ii vezi pe server au silk pe cont, asa ca nu pot sa scape de ei.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMar Noi 11, 2008 4:09 am

si totusi citesc pe forum cum ca unii aveau silk pe cont si au fost banati, cel mai bun exemplu e nekerman, lol chiar ca e un exemplu... tipu avea silk pe cont si e banat wtf
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 45
Varsta : 45
Localitate : Bistrita
Guild/Clan : __DRACULA__
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 08/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMar Noi 11, 2008 5:30 pm

Eu nu cred ca o sa baneze botii, ar fi prosti, userii nu ar mai cumpara premium, fara bot ar juca doar copii care nu prea au bani si tot ei ar avea de pierdut.
Daca chiar ar fi vrut sa scape de boti ar fi facut un client nou.
Niciodata nu au fost atatia boti ca acuma, toti au cate un item premium pe ei ori un pet. de la lvl 20 pana la 80 e plin de boti, nici nu ai unde bate.
Acu doua saptamani au limitat cumpararea de silk prin paypal, pot lua numai cei care au un char de minim lvl 20, eu cred ca aici vreau sa ii prinda pe boti la ban, nu ii lasa sa creasca, ii baneaza pana la lvl 20.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 78
Varsta : 37
Localitate : Bucuresti
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMier Noi 12, 2008 4:07 pm

Nici asa nu o sa poata sa ii prinda...din pacate.
o sa isi faca lvl 20 f repede la goldboti, mult mai repede fata de alea 7 zile necesare.
Si faza cu silku...eu stiam ca la history trebuie sa ai minim 50 cumparat...nu sa ai neaparat pe char un item de silk, sau silk la momentu prezent; dar poate ma insel.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 8
Varsta : 31
Localitate : Timisoara
Guild/Clan : N-avem
Server : N-avem
Data de inscriere : 17/10/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMier Noi 12, 2008 9:01 pm

am cumparat 150 de silk si am luat ban , dar nu mai aveam nici un silk la ora actuala in + n-am folosit nici un hack:|
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 45
Varsta : 45
Localitate : Bistrita
Guild/Clan : __DRACULA__
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 08/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeJoi Noi 13, 2008 4:17 pm

Nu ai facut cumva charge back?
Numai atunci se intampla sa te baneze
Asa stiam si eu, 50 de silk sa ai pe cont, ca iti cumperi un item premium de ei e obtiunea ta.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeVin Noi 14, 2008 10:45 pm

la chargeback ii spune ca din motivul chargback sa dat ban.. dk a folosit orice soft ilegal.. doar ban..
deci.. ce a facut si nu doar el stie.. ce e adevarat e ceva ce spune alex dar si asa .. ca sa ai un item pe tine, alex, aia inseamna sa iti cumperi silk si atunci ai un history de silk, amu am intrat si pe alte forumuri si acolo se plang altii ca au luat ban.. dar... na.. ce e ciudat e ca toti aveau SOSUN pe caraterele lor, si toti erau min lvl 70 Smile
cu lvl 20.. pai ala il face cu un power level in cat timp... max 10ore? poate mai iute.. de acolo in colo.. e boter.. deci.. se va bota...
ce mai citisem pe forum e ca JoyMax are .. conducere noua? si de aceea aceste schimbari.. pff.. ma rog.. nush
ce sper e sa nu iau ban dk repornesc acel isro bot cu timpu.. cand? asta chiar nu stiu.. inca mai caut chirie in Cj.. so far.. no luck
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 45
Varsta : 45
Localitate : Bistrita
Guild/Clan : __DRACULA__
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 08/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeSam Noi 15, 2008 5:51 pm

Nu stiu cum o sa rezolve astia, dar oricum e naspa rau cu botii (de aia de gold ma refer), au ajuns si in rock, parca ii o epidemie
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeSam Noi 15, 2008 11:42 pm

Orice au ei de gand, ar fi bine sa rezolve rapid totu.. dk nu.. moare jocu
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 8
Varsta : 31
Localitate : Timisoara
Guild/Clan : N-avem
Server : N-avem
Data de inscriere : 17/10/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMar Dec 02, 2008 12:09 pm

e o porcarie in orice caz..ideea e ca niki sro nu vrea sa scape de botteri sa fim seriosi , cei ii intereseaza pe ei ca joaca real players sau ca joaca niste botteri.. banii tot vin, sau poate vin si mai multi acum in locul meu joaca un botter de lvl 90 ce isi cumpara premium lunar ca sa nu ia ban... deci e o intreaga industrie si cu jocul asta... dak chiar ar dori sa baneze tot botteri , ce naiba ii super usor iei un char de gm si ma plimb pe toata harta in jumate de ora i-am banat pe totzi.. ca faci diferenta..
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeLun Dec 29, 2008 4:35 am

juma de ora? Pai in acel juma de ora poate iti si pierzi acei bani pe care ii castigi de la playeri, deci.. nu fac ei asa ceva ! Stai flex, in rest ar trebui sa faca precum fac cei de la Cabal... E enervant, dar e sigur !
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 45
Varsta : 45
Localitate : Bistrita
Guild/Clan : __DRACULA__
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 08/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeLun Dec 29, 2008 3:43 pm

Cum fac cei de la Cabal?
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeDum Ian 04, 2009 3:11 am

Amyrale, iti sugerezi sa incepi sa te joci cabal Smile Si iti spun pe ce server te poate ajuta Flavius Smile El a spus ca acolo adminii vin langa tine si iti pun o intrebare sa vada daca esti acolo si sti sa raspunzi, dk nu... suporti consecinta
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 45
Varsta : 45
Localitate : Bistrita
Guild/Clan : __DRACULA__
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 08/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeLun Ian 05, 2009 7:30 pm

In silkroad nu cred ca se deranjeaza koreenii sa verifice userii. Cati GM ai vazut pana acuma? Eu joc silk de 3 ani si nu am vazut nici 1.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 170
Varsta : 45
Localitate : AIUD (doar lucrez in Cj)
Guild/Clan : UNIRO
Server : Alexander
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2008

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitimeMier Ian 07, 2009 12:13 am

Eu cand jcuam pe serverul Babel cu Flavius am vazut un GM in joc, nu tin minte numele. Nu peste mult timp a fost o problema in cadrul celor de la iSRO cu un GM, din cate am inteles era un copil si a facut ce nu trebuia. De atunci s-a schimbat ideiile SRO-ul si nu recruteaza pe nimeni altcineva decat din orasul de unde merg serverele. Uite si pe forum la iSRO, acel morningdew care este moderator este angajat in USA, nu tin minte in ce oras, dar acolo are o filiata SRO. In acel oras se recruteaza ! Multi au plecat de la SRO.
Povestea e lunga, si dintre toti probabil doar Park_Ranger ar putea sa povesteasca mult pe forumul de la iSRO.
Asta e... totul e de .... Mai bine joci un joc in care ai un minim suport !
Sus In jos
Continut sponsorizat

Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??   Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ?? Icon_minitime

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Banara BOT-ilor si debanarea lor ??
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